Nikolai Varankine - Classic Software
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My sole desktop/server software projects are described here. Many of them are allowed for downloading and limited trial evaluation. Follow correspondent link in description column for more information.

AI and ML | API | Web Applications | Desktop Computer Applications | Mobile Phone Applications | Automated Test Applications
Description Platform Screenshot
PoC application to parse Java code into internal AI structures. Read more...Software: Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 17
Client: JavaFX user interface
Database: Neo4j 5
Project: Gradle
The Thinker™ is a math simulator instrument to perform visual examination of numerous computational processes running concurrently. Read more...Software: Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 17
Client: JavaFX, Swing, and Internet user interface
Database: Neo4j 5
Training project Library shows an example of Java program to process operations like borrowing and return of books, using remote database for this purpose. Read more...Software: Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) 1.5
Client: Java Swing user interface
Database: MySQL 5.0.27, JDBC 5.0.4
The Layout Windows application serves as a manual graphics instrument to design layout of masks for integrated circuit layers.Plain C language, Microsoft Windows and DOS, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, MIPSscreenshot
The console POP3 Client gets access to specified e-mail account to download mail headers and further download messages or delete them.Plain C language, Microsoft Windows and DOSscreenshot
The Keyboard Layout Switch allows to change keyboard layout on Windows NT system.Plain C language, Microsoft Windows NT 3.5screenshot
Simple DOS Diskette Writer allows to write files onto 3.5-Inch diskette in true MS-DOS format while working on UNIX workstation.Plain C language, MIPSscreenshot