Nikolai Varankine - News
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Latest News

  • 2024-05-27 Read my corporate publications on the LinkedIn!
  • 2024-05-25 AlexNet neural network research
  • 2024-05-18 Java Parsing AI project notes
  • 2023-06-19 Read my publications on the LinkedIn!
  • 2021-08-30 Read my notes "Super chip from Espressif"! It is interesting!
  • 2019-08-01 Welcome new page "Quora"!
  • 2019-07-30 Good bye, WML! It is no longer supported here.
  • 2018-01-30 "Planet" page revoked. Panoramio has gone.
  • 2012-01-23 "Planet" page renewed!
  • 2011-05-20 This site has got updated design and contents.
  • 2011-04-21 Atomic Parser project completed! You may want to read details and watch slides, as well as order working version of software.
  • 2009-05-01 New page has been created to show select set of my personal photographs made in the different parts of the globe. Enjoy!
  • 2008-04-28 This site has been moved to another hosting service provider. New location guarantees higher performance, better maintenance and protection against virus attacks.
  • 2007-07-15 Long-suffering Mobile phones RDBMS project completed! You may want to read details and watch slide show, as well as order demo version.
  • 2007-03-31 Mobile phone game Brains Work! completed. The program for Java-enabled mobile phone is available for trial download.
  • 2007-03-05 New version of Ru-Meteo project completed! The program for Java-enabled mobile phone is available for trial download.
  • 2007-02-13 This site restarted in new design! Do you like its improved look and feel?
  • 2007-01-24 New PHP based project has been started to redesign this site. Improved look and feel will add the site to family of modern web projects.
  • 2006-12-02 New ambitious Java project has been started to demonstrate power features of XML applied to electronic equipment design. Project got brave work name "AnyCAD".
  • 2006-04-30 Ru-Meteo project completed! The program for Java-enabled mobile phone has been made available for trial download.
  • 2006-04-28 BelHydroMet project completed! The program for Java-enabled mobile phone has been made available for trial download.