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Development of adaptive interactive framework for custom CAD systems

Ph.D. dissertation
Thesis in the RSL and NLB

Varankin N.V.

Moscow, 1993

Electronic Industry

#3, 1993, ISSN 0207-6357

A system to design custom VLSI circuits

Varankin N.V., Sokolov A.G.

pages 52-54

Multi-window graphical editor

Version 1.26

User Manual

Zelenograd, 1993

Electronic Equipment CAD Conference


Kaunas, June 1992

Adaptive graphical interface allows portability of software

Varankin N.V., Sokolov A.G., Tutukin O.G.

Electronic Equipment CAD Conference


Kaunas, June 1992

High speed graphical database for electronic device CAD system

Varankin N.V., Sokolov A.G.

VLSI CAD: Problematics of Automation

Proceedings of the MIET

Moscow, 1991

Realities and perspectives of graphical editors for IBM PC

Bravov V.V., Varankin N.V., Savchenko L.L.

VLSI CAD: Problematics of Automation

Proceedings of the MIET

Moscow, 1991

Applying intellectual systems to design base elements of VLSI circuits

Varankin N.V., Korablev I.S., Orsich I.A., Sokolov A.G.

VLSI CAD: Problematics of Automation

Proceedings of the MIET

Moscow, 1991

Software package for multi-level simulation of CMOS IC fragments on IBM PC

Varankin N.V., Orsich I.A., Sokolov A.G., Shumilov V.V.

Software and design of microprocessor control systems

Proceedings of the MIET

Moscow, 1982

Programs for graphical transformation and analysis of data

Varankin N.V., Langasov S.I.

Diplomas and awards

Better Programmer™ online test - 92%, July 2011 Team Spirit Forever, Milena, Inc. 15th Anniversary, 1990-2005 For Outstanding Contributions to The Testing of BlazeRouter 5.0, July 2002 10 Years Of Outstanding Partnership: PADS Software, Inc. & Milena, Inc., 1990-2000 In Recognition of Your Outstanding Effort on BlazeRouter 3.5, January 2000 In Recognition of Your Outstanding Effort on PowerPCB 3.0, April 1999 In Recognition of Your Outstanding Effort on PowerBGA 2.5, Sept 18, 1998 In Recognition of Your Outstanding Effort on PowerLogic 1.0, Apr 25, 1997 For high achievements in socialist competition, NPO Integral, 1987 For advances in All-Union contest for the best scientific work of students on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, 1983 The best student's scientific work of Moscow on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, section Electronics, 1983

State Registration