Николай Варанкин - Исследовательский проект AlexNet
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Sample Applications

  • PyTorch Examples

    This is a repository showcasing examples of using PyTorch, including the AlexNet code in contemporary interpretation.
    📀 git clone https://github.com/pytorch/examples.git 📁 imagenet
  • Compare Operator

    This repository contains a project with network made of two fully connected layers. Custom backpropagation formulae are used in training. The net mimics a compare operator over an integer presented as binary vector.
    📀 git clone https://github.com/nvaranki/fcbpg.git
  • Convolution Experiments

    This is a repository showcasing variants of various non-trainable convolution kernels.
    📀 git clone https://github.com/nvaranki/conv2d.git